Thursday, May 20, 2010

White kids can't sing the blues

I was at my sons choir concert last night and feeling very ready to hear my son and his cohorts sing some classy fabulous chorale arrangements. Turns out the entire program for the evening was popular music including a little jazz and blues. This was not a good idea.
It's not that I didn't like the music. It was fabulous! A little beatles, some Styx, and even some Aretha (quick bow to the mother of Blues). It's just that it was ....white kids. I realize I am a "white kid" myself, but have you ever heard a bunch of fourteen year olds try to rock "Baby you can drive my car"? It's not a good thing. I've never heard syncopation be so amazingly...even.
The highlight of the evening was of course, the 8th grade boys choir. They sang "Sail Away" and they were rockin the 70's when they added an electric guitar, drums and yes...a synthesizer. Way too cute.