Saturday, February 27, 2010

March Insider's Club

This is the jewelry for March in the Cookie Lee Insider's club. It's only available for a limited time so if you love it, grab it!

My new scraproom

I'm getting my own scrapbooking room! Actually, it's the tiny area under the stairs. And I mean tiny. But you know what? It's mine!
It used to be our game closet, but after we had a little leak and I had to clean the area out...I decided the area would be better used as a scrapbook station for Mom. Better used because...well, if Mom ain't happy, then know the rest.
Anyway, my husband sheetrocked it in and added an outlet for me. (This is why I got married you know) and while he's away this weekend I did the second plaster coat and I just finished adding the primer to the sheetrock so I can paint later tonight. I'm so excited! After this, we just need to install the desktop. One of my clients makes office workstations and cubicles and he said he'd cut some countertop for me. I'm so excited! (I already said that, I know).
The only problem now is fitting all of my extensive scrapbooking stuff into this small space and making it workable. I'll figure something out. I'll upload a picture as soon as it's done!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

There's a dead frog in my purse

I look fabulous today. I have black slacks, high heels and a stunning sweater. My jewelry is eye catching. My purse is a pink faux crocodile print and in it I’m carrying a dead frog. I know. How did it come to this?

My daughter likes animals. You know “animal people”. They have a long list of animals they own, many of them in multiples. They always list their pets to you like they’re proud of living in a zoo. “I have three dogs, six cats, a bird, two hamsters and a spider that lives behind my dresser”. These people just NEED animals to be happy apparently. I don’t know how one ended up in my family because neither her father or I are particularly nuts about them. We both always had a dog, but there’s a difference between someone with a dog and an “animal person”.

Anyway, my daughter felt like three dogs and two cats in our house was not quite enough and brought in two frogs. One died…..obviously. The pet store will replace it if it dies within a week or so but you have to bring in proof. So we dug up the box from the flower bed where we’d held the funeral the previous afternoon and I put in my purse. It felt like the thing to do at the time. It sat right between my expensive phone and my subway card and off we went to the pet store. It wasn’t until we were getting out of the car and walking to the door that I thought to myself…”There’s a dead frog in my purse.” But then the voice inside my head said “Huh. You don’t seem the type” And that made me wonder what type of woman DOES walk around with a dead frog in her purse.
The lesson here is that you can never judge a person by their looks. Maybe they have a dead frog in their purse.