Monday, April 5, 2010


Wing is the season between winter and spring. It only exists in Utah. Maybe a few other areas too but who cares about those?
Today is the 5th of April and there's a freakin blizzard outside. Last week I let my daughter wear capris to school and now the coats are back on. My crocus and daffodils are up and there's two inches of snow on them.
Here's the weather forecast for a typical winter in Utah. December we get like 12 feet of snow. January and part of February is where you go for days on end without seeing the sky. Then, in March just before everyone wants to kill themselves we get a little peek of sun. Maybe a weekend of 50 or 55 degrees. We all get excited and start making plans to plant gardens and get the kids bikes out. People take walks and push their kids around in strollers. Then it snows. And it rains. This is followed by a day of sun somewhere just to keep us guessing and then there's more snow.
I'm not allowed to complain because I was born here. When I got my birth certificate it was with the understanding that I would be willing to endure 8 months of winter and 2 months of blistering heat each year. I have learned that you don't plant flowers until at least Memorial Day and that you CAN wear flip flops with a jacket and not look completely insane. However, those of you who are wearing shorts in the snow need to stop it. We don't care if you don't mind the look stupid. General rule of fashion is that when you need the heater on in the car and you are wearing a coat, shorts stay in the closet.
I'll have more seasonal fashion tips in the future. I'm sure you'll be grateful.


Stacie said...

To the woman who taught me what a "spring jacket" is...
Love ya and p.s. it was 78 degrees today!