Sunday, June 13, 2010


I am so mean this week. I swear I've been picking fights with anyone outside my family I can find. (My family should be seriously grateful they've been spared).
I insulted a member of my condo board (caused he's an ass and he insults me regularly). I flipped off a guy at a seminar I went to last week cause he stole my seat during lunch and then was a complete jerk to me when I came back. Then when I tried to return something at Lowes and they wanted to give me cash instead of put it on a card (I had other things to pick up), I asked the clerk why they couldn't just make my life easy?
I know. I know! What is my problem? Probably not enough shopping...or scrapbooking. Nope. That's not it.
Oh my heck, I need a serious vacation away from my family. Oh gosh. That was mean too wasn't it?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

People I don't trust

There are some people that are innately untrustworthy. I'm going to tell you who they are so you don't find yourself in a pickle.

First. Runners. These are people who find some sort of sick joy in running....nowhere. They run away from home and then they turn around and run back. Sounds like a phenomenal waste of time. My friend's husband is a doctor and he said that he can always spot a runner because their bodies have aged about 20 years past their numerical age. It's a very destructive habit. So why do they do it? Bragging rights. If you know runners, then you know how they can't stop talking about their next marathon and how fast they run the mile. My point is....does this information go on a resume? No. Does it go with you when you die? No. DOES ANYONE CARE?

Second. Cyclists. Now this sport makes more sense to me than running because at least you can go kind of fast and it's definitely more fun. Here's the catch though. These people ride in the road! You've seen them. It's not like they ride just off the gutter. They're like 5 feet into the road. You're driving along and suddenly you find yourself veering way off to the left and hoving over the turning lane so you don't hit Mr. Tight Shorts while he wheels along his merry way. Well, I'm sorry but the road is for vehicles with combustion engines only. If you don't run on gas (or ok...a hybrid vehicle) then get the heck off the asphalt. And I'm sorry, but what is with the outfit? There's no faster way for a man to look gay than to throw on a pair of those stretchy little shorts. It's a fashion don't people.

Last. Homeless people. I know you're thinking I'm a bad person right about now, and frankly, you'd be right. But really! These people live outside on purpose. And they do it without the fancy campout equipment. And yes, it is a choice. I've seen guys holding signs asking for money right in front of the McDonalds with the "Now Hiring" sign. I'm just saying that it's hardly worth spending the night under the stars unless you have the blow up mattress.

Now you are armed with the information to stay away from untrustworthy people. And, as GI Joe says... knowing is half the battle. Let me know if you find any others that should be added to the list!